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Showing posts from June, 2017

fall for someone who's.....

When you fall in love, fall in love with their eyes, their smile, and the sound of their voice. Fall in love with someone who wants to know EVERYTHING about you, your PAST and your FUTURE. Fall in love with someone who can not only touch your BODY but your SOUL. Fall for someone who's face lights up when they see you and they smile a honest smile showing they are TRULY HAPPY to have laid eyes on you. Fall for someone who wants to know exactly how you like your coffee and how to make your favorite foods. Fall for someone who's very mention of their name brings a smile to your face and sense of calmness over your body. Love the one who brings you HAPPINESS and a SMILE you CAN'T HIDE. Someone who makes you feel SAFE and SECURE. Love the person who makes you feel like you DON'T HAVE TO HIDE ANYMORE and NO LONGER have to live in fears. Fall for the one who you want to RUN to with every EXCITING and UPSETTING SITUATION you encounter, and is ALWAYS THERE to LISTEN and...

break the addiction, live your real life.

"Do you ever feel bad when you seeing at your cell phone mostly more than seeing at the people in around you?" I have found myself that way in the past, and maybe you are who’s reading this became the one of the “victim” of social media addict. In this modern era, as we know that we cannot live without technology. Technology become the one of human needs. Technology also help us to make everything becomes easier. But most people use technology in the wrong way (for example: Smartphone/Social Media). Checking your cell phone constantly and hearing for other’s people saying, yelling, commenting & discussing through the social media. You become busy on it without realizing that you have lost your productive times and killing your relationship with people in the front of you or with the people you love . Passing up opportunities to be socializing, join into the conversation, or have a small talk, joking, and supporting one each other with people in front of you be...

being someone's answer is actually 'the answer'

sebulan kebelakang sampai hari ini, banyak banget 'kejutan-kejutan' yg gak keduga. ada pahit, manis, bingung, bikin deg-degan, bikin happy, sepi, nangis, banyaaaak deh. suasana hati dibikin gak stabil karna kondisi yg gak ketebak terjadi. pernah di satu kesempatan perjalan pulang dari rumah ke kosan, ada ibu-ibu paruh baya duduk disamping saya waktu naik bis. dia memulai pembicaraan kecil supaya suasana gak jadi awkward. saya cuma merespon sekenanya saja, sebatas menghargai, karna honestly, saat itu pikiran saya sedang bercabang-cabang memikirkan banyak hal. tapi ibu itu terus bercerita banyak hal, sampai hal2 pribadi, permasalahan pribadi yg pernah dia alami di masa lalunya yg pahit, yg membuat dia jadi tegar sampai sekarang, padahal saya tidak bertanya sama sekali tentang hal itu, tapi dia terus bercerita tanpa jeda. entahlah, mungkin dia butuh teman curhat, pikir saya seperti itu. dengan sabar saya mendengarkannya dan memberikan saran yang sewajarnya, karna saya pikir, ibu ...