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Run On Sentences

Run On Sentences

Run-on sentences result from completely omitting punctuation between sentences.

There are four ways how to improve the run-on sentences
1.      By making the run-on sentences into several simple sentences.
The choice of a camera is difficult. They are many good kinds on the market.

2.      By making the run-on sentences into a compound sentence using.
a.      a semicolon
The choice of a camera is difficult there are many good kinds on the market.
The choice of a camera is difficult; the are many good kinds on the market.
b.      a conjunction (and, but, yet, so, for, or, nor)
The choice of a camera is difficult there are many good kinds on the market.
The choice of a camera is difficult, for there are many good kinds on the market.
c.       a sentences connector (moreover, however, neverthless, in contrast, etc.)
The choice of a camera is difficult there are many good kinds on the market.
The choice of a camera is difficult, beside, there are many good kinds on the market.
3.      By making run-on sentences into a complex sentence using.
a.      an adverbial clause (using subordinators: because, when, as, since, after, etc.)
The choice of a camera is difficult there are many good kinds on the market.
The choice of a camera is difficult because there are many good kinds on the market.
b.      an adjective clause (using relative pronoun: who, which, that, whom, etc.)
My sister has a lot of money can buy anything she wants.
My sister who has a lot of money can buy anything she wants.
c.       a noun clause
My sister has a lot of money can buy anything she wants.
Who has a lot of money can buy anything she wants.


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