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break the addiction, live your real life.

"Do you ever feel bad when you seeing at your cell phone mostly more than seeing at the people in around you?"

I have found myself that way in the past, and maybe you are who’s reading this became the one of the “victim” of social media addict. In this modern era, as we know that we cannot live without technology. Technology become the one of human needs. Technology also help us to make everything becomes easier. But most people use technology in the wrong way (for example: Smartphone/Social Media).

Checking your cell phone constantly and hearing for other’s people saying, yelling, commenting & discussing through the social media. You become busy on it without realizing that you have lost your productive times and killing your relationship with people in the front of you or with the people you love. Passing up opportunities to be socializing, join into the conversation, or have a small talk, joking, and supporting one each other with people in front of you because you’re too busy “living” for hours of social media. Constantly checking, liking, commenting and double tapping, and try to find peace, happiness, trapped on your “comfort zone” or trying to find your “role model” to define who you are. It’s good if you find the good one, but it's bad when you find the wrong one. Trying to imitate every detail of a person you want to be, and forgetting to be your own self without knowing your worth. 

You have no idea how precious you are, no matter people labeling you. and then people watching that you can’t see how much you are “killing” your own relationship. It’s no wonder if you’re feeling bad, emptiness, unhappy, loneliness, not good enough, admiring the lives of others, forgetting to live your own. You can’t even realize the truth, you’re too busy staring at your cell phone, too busy to see the beautiful world only from “the screen of cell phone” and not from your beautiful eyes, you lost the times and good moments, lost in the endless world in the internet and this is the reason why people end up alone. You can hear people over the notifications of social media, satisfying their empty room in their heart and try to complete one each other with conditional love, temporary happiness at their loneliness, scream if they need to. You’re rejecting the people who need you in the real life. Let me tell you that it’s better if you use technology wisely. Let you affect people with goodness, beautiful thoughts, and positive life, but never let social media affect you the bad. Not to self-centered. Not to copy a person. Be you. Be your own self. Make a peace within yourself. Be happy without any reason. One day, you’ll look up from your phone, to see no one left because people get tired of satisfying one another with cell phone, and they will leave you. Learn to live your life, enjoy every single moment in your real life, and save your relationship more than your imagination.


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